99 BUSINESSES + 1 RESTAURANT SOON: Jay Z is venturing into the restaurant business as he files for ‘Hovino’… while the brand battle for his daughter’s name continues

With the registration of the name “Hovino,” multifaceted artist and entrepreneur Jay Z is set to make his restaurant sector debut.

This action is a component of his continuous endeavors to broaden his commercial empire. His business, S. Carter Enterprises, filed the trademark application with the intention of obtaining rights to a range of hospitality services, such as dining establishments, coffee shops, bars, pubs, cocktail lounges, and wine bars.

What's in a name? The 36-year-old has been fighting since 2012 ¿ when their first-born arrived ¿ to claim the trademark but was denied the rights because the event company already owned the mark

Jay Z’s legal struggle to protect the trademark rights of his daughter’s name is still ongoing, despite the hype surrounding his entry into the dining industry. The rapper and his wife, Beyoncé, have been at odds over this ongoing disagreement as they try to get the rights to trademark their baby Blue Ivy.

Battle: Jay Z and his wife Beyonce ran into some trouble last year when they tried to trademark their daughter Blue Ivy's name for similar purposes

Jay Z is a multi-talented entrepreneur who makes a name for himself in a variety of industries and expands his company portfolio.

Jay Z is planning to extend his business into the restaurant industry. He has already taken steps to obtain the rights to “Hovino” for use in wine bars, pubs, cocktail lounges, and restaurants.

The well-known rapper and businessman Jay Z is stepping into the restaurant industry by obtaining the rights to use the name “Hovino” for a variety of hospitality uses. This comes after he acquired The 40/40 Club, a high-end bar franchise.

Expanding: Jay Z is about to expand his empire into the dining sector, after moving to secure the rights to 'Hovino' for the purposes of restaurant and café services, pubs, cocktail lounges and wine bars.


Apart from his venture into the eating industry, Jay Z has applied for a trademark for the moniker “AKA SHAWN CARTER.” Product categories covered by this application include garment items like shirts, slacks, coats, jackets, bathing suits, ties, skirts, shoes, hats, and other articles of clothing. In addition, he wants to exploit the trademark for cosmetics and aroma items including cologne, body lotion, bath gel, face cream, shaving gel, and aftershave. Plans to utilize the name for eyewear products, such as sunglasses and eyeglasses, are also included in the application.

The Carter restaurant

Jay Z’s trademark application covers the use of the term “Hovino” in jewelry, tie pins, key chains, wristwatches, pocket watches, stopwatches, and other timepieces, going beyond beauty and fashion.

These new trademark applications suggest that Jay Z is keeping up his strategy of broadening his business ventures and building his empire across a number of sectors, such as eating, fashion, accessories, and beauty.

Battle: When Jay Z and his wife Beyonce attempted to copyright their daughter Blue Ivy’s name for comparable reasons last year, they encountered some difficulties.

When Jay Z and Beyoncé tried to copyright their daughter Blue Ivy’s name for certain uses last year, they ran into problems.

Step Into Australia’s Beyonce and Jay Z-Themed Restaurant ‘The Carter Sydney’


The couple has been fighting for the right to use Blue Ivy’s name as a trademark since 2012. Their request was turned down, though, because the trademark was already owned by an event company.

To request a protective order for the case, Beyoncé’s initials, BGK, were referenced in a September motion filed to the USPTO in Los Angeles. Owner of Blue Ivy events Veronica Morales was questioned by BGK, who said that she was using the case to get media attention, harass Beyoncé, and reveal private information to the public.

In response, Beyoncé’s legal team contended in October that due to worries for the family’s physical safety and privacy, the proceedings should be kept secret.

Nevertheless, Morales disputed this claim, arguing that Beyoncé wanted to protect the name to stop others from utilizing it for commercial purposes rather than genuinely intending to do so.

What role does a name play? The 36-year-old has been battling to obtain trademark rights since 2012, when their first child was born, but they were refused because the event company already held the mark.

What role does a name play? Since the arrival of their first child in 2012, the 36-year-old has been seeking to claim the trademark, but she was refused access since the event company already had the mark.