The beautiful little town of Beilstein and the wonderful Eltz castle in Germany

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (57)22.8kSHARESShareTweetPinterestFlipboardPocketWhatsappMail

The next day in the Moselle Valley was perhaps one that in retrospect I could have tweaked just a little bit.

See this part of Germany is just so beautiful that I got a bit carried away and put too many things on my plans to see that day.

My excitement got the better of me but for what it’s worth, we did get to cover every single thing I had in mind for the day!

We started things off with an early breakfast at Weingut Gehlen Cornelius before hopping into the car and heading straight to the Geierlay suspension bridge.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (1)

I’d seen photos of this bridge on foggy mornings which made it look just incredible and although it wasn’t foggy, it was still brilliant to finally get to check out a place I’d seen in photos for a while now.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (2)

There’s no parking next to the bridge, by the way, so you do have to walk to get here but contrary to what the maps make it look like (it suggested well over 30 minutes), it takes probably like 10 – 15 minutes to get to.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (4)The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (6)The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (5)

Leaving the bridge, we headed over to Beilstein, a relatively small but pretty town where I’d decided would have to be the stop for lunch.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (8)The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (7)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (9)

I’d actually planned on grabbing lunch before heading through the town to explore but all of that went right of the window once we walked into Beilstein and before you know it, a quick hour zipped right past as we meandered its quaint alleyways, cute shops and even cuter houses.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (10)The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (11)

Let me show you around…

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (12)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (13)The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (14)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (15)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (16)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (17)

My favourite spot in Beilstein, however, has to be this little square here. It was just so adorable and with such a cute restaurant here, made for the perfect place to stop for lunch.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (18)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (19)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (20)

Except, lunchtime was over and all they had were snacks, which I was far too hungry for so with that, we made our way to a different restaurant with a view of the river for lunch instead.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (21)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (22)The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (23)The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (24)

Lunch done with, we hopped back into the car and went off in search of an amazing castle I’d been looking forward to visiting for quite some time now.

Except, as it was when we were in the Rhine Valley, there are so many distractions as you travel through this beautiful part of Germany – one of which was Cochem, a colourful town with an amazing castle, standing guard over the town.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (25)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (26)

It’s quite the sight and it’s probably a no-brainer why we just had to stop to check it out.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (27)

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (28)

I do wish we had even more time to explore it properly but alas, if we did that, we’d be late for our pre-booked appointment at the castle I mentioned earlier – Burg Eltz.

The Gorgeous Little Town Of Beilstein and The Amazing Eltz Castle In Germany (29)

If you are visiting either Cochem or Burg Eltz be sure to see the other one as they’re only 30 minutes apart (by car) so it makes sense to pair both gorgeous places together.

But where was I? Yes – Burg Eltz! Leaving Cochem, we made our way over to Burg Eltz. In Burg Eltz, you can actually drive to the castle but you can drive to a car park not too far (it feels like it’s within the wider castle grounds) and from here, you can either take the shuttle bus to the castle or you can walk.